Results for 'Dick A. R. Haglund'

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  1. Thales.D. R. Dicks - 1959 - Classical Quarterly 9 (3-4):294-.
    The Greeks attributed to Thales a great many discoveries and achievements. Few, if any, of these can be said to rest on thoroughly reliable testimony, most of them being the ascriptions of commentators and compilers who lived anything from 700 to 1,000 years after his death—a period of time equivalent to that between William the Conqueror and the present day. Inevitably there ilso accumulated round the name of Thales, as round that of Pythagoras , a number of anecdotes of varying (...)
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  2.  37
    The ΚΛΙΜΑΤΑ In Greek Geography.D. R. Dicks - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):248-.
    The climata played an important role in Greek geography. As used in the mathematical geography of Hipparchus and Ptolemy the word denotes a narrow belt or strip of land, 400 stades wide, on each side of a parallel of latitude; inhabitants of the same clitma were assumed to be situated in the same geographical latitude, since, for practical purposes, the celestial phenomena, lengths of the longest and shortest days, and general climatic conditions did not change appreciably within this distance. We (...)
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  3.  8
    Cum grano salis: essays dedicated to Dick A.R. Haglund.Claes Åberg - 1989
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  4.  65
    F. W. Bessel und die russische Wissenschaft— Anmerkungen zum Aufsatz von K. K. Lavrinovič.W. R. Dick - 1993 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 1 (1):259-262.
    The paper „F. W. Bessel and Russian science by K. K. Lavrinovich published in NTM-Schriftenreihe contains several errors coming mainly from re-translations of German names and texts from Russian into German. The correct spelling of names and original texts are given here. Beside this, some additional information from sources not mentioned by the author is presented, and the kind of relationship between Bessel and W. Struve is discussed on the basis of their correspondence.
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  5.  34
    Strabo and the Kʌimata.D. R. Dicks - 1956 - Classical Quarterly 6 (3-4):243-.
    In a recent paper I discussed the origin of the concept of the climata in Greek geography, and adduced reasons for attributing the formulation and elaboration of the concept to Hipparchus . The above passage in Strabo was naturally mentioned in the course of the argument, and I drew attention in a footnote to the unsatisfactory nature of the account given by him of the climata. I now propose to examine the passage in more detail.
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  6.  77
    A Budé Strabo.D. R. Dicks - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):47-.
  7.  57
    Greek Chemistry J. R. Partington: A History of Chemistry. Vol. i, Part 1. Pp. xlv+370; 7 line drawings. London: Macmillan, 1970. Cloth, £10. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (01):135-136.
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  8.  64
    On observing the absence of an atom.R. H. Dicke - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (2):107-113.
    An atom is confined to a box in its ground state. An attempt is made to observe it in the left half of the box by scattering photons out of a photon wave packet passing through this half of the box. If no photons are scattered, the atom is missing. It is located on the right side of the box and its wave function is changed. The expectation value of the combined atom and photon energy is increased. For the other (...)
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  9.  44
    Gender, assets, and market-oriented agriculture: learning from high-value crop and livestock projects in Africa and Asia.Agnes R. Quisumbing, Deborah Rubin, Cristina Manfre, Elizabeth Waithanji, Mara van den Bold, Deanna Olney, Nancy Johnson & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):705-725.
    Strengthening the abilities of smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly women farmers, to produce for both home and the market is currently a development priority. In many contexts, ownership of assets is strongly gendered, reflecting existing gender norms and limiting women’s ability to invest in more profitable livelihood strategies such as market-oriented agriculture. Yet the intersection between women’s asset endowments and their ability to participate in and benefit from agricultural interventions receives minimal attention. This paper explores changes in gender relations (...)
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  10.  37
    Astronomical Dating.D. R. Dicks - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):461-.
  11.  22
    More astronomical misconceptions.D. R. Dicks - 1972 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 92:175-177.
  12.  24
    On Anaximander's figures.D. R. Dicks - 1969 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 89:120.
  13.  41
    Strabo I and II.D. R. Dicks - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (02):188-.
  14.  57
    Strabo's Science.D. R. Dicks - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):328-.
  15.  89
    The Budé Archimedes.D. R. Dicks - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (01):28-.
  16.  30
    The Budé Strabo.D. R. Dicks - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):17-.
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  17.  71
    The Budé Strabo vii.D. R. Dicks - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (01):26-.
  18.  27
    The Healer's Calling.J. R. Dick - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (6):420-421.
  19.  31
    Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle.David E. Hahm & D. R. Dicks - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (1):121.
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  20.  77
    Strabo - François Lasserre: Strabon, Géographie. Tome iii Pp. xii + 275 ; 3 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967. Paper. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (3):326-327.
  21.  69
    Patrick Thollard: Barbarie et civilisation chez Strabon. Étude critique des livres III et IV de la Géographic (Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 77.) Pp. 93. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1987. Paper. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (1):226-226.
  22.  37
    Astronomical Dating Otta Wenskus: Astronomische Zeitangaben von Homer bis Theophrast. (Hermes Einzelschriften, 55.) Pp. 212. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1990. Paper, DM 68. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (02):461-463.
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  23.  51
    Greek Mathematics - Salomon Bochner: The Role of Mathematics in the Rise of Science. Pp. x+386. Princeton: University Press, 1966. Cloth, 72 s[REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (03):345-348.
  24.  52
    Strabo I and II - G. Aujac, F. Lasserre: Strabon, Géographie. Tome i, 1 ère partie (livre i), 2 e partie (livre ii). Pp. xcvii+219, and 197; 1 diagram, 2 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1969. Paper, 30 fr. each. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (02):188-194.
  25.  36
    The Budé Strabo F. Lasserre: Strabon, Géographie, tome viii. Pp. viii + 184; 3 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1975. Paper. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):17-18.
  26.  62
    The New Teubner of Vettius Valens D. Pingree: Vettius Valens Antiochenus, Anthologiarum libri novem. (Bibliotheca Teubneriana.) Pp. xxi + 583. Leipzig: Teubner, 1986. 168 M. [REVIEW]D. R. Dicks - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (01):23-24.
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  27.  52
    A simplification of a completeness proof of Guaspari and Solovay.Dick H. J. Jongh - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (2):187 - 192.
    The modal completeness proofs of Guaspari and Solovay (1979) for their systems R and R – are improved and the relationship between R and R – is clarified.
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  28. The View From Somewhere - Investigations Pertaining to the Implications of the Impurity of the Third- and the First-Person-Perspective.John Haglund - forthcoming - Continental Philosophy Review.
    The old duality that eventually came to produce the mind/body-problem indicates the problem of transcendental subjectivity. The enduring significance of this problem shows itself in a provocation of any paradigm that has become too objectivistic, too naturalistic – even too idealistic in a certain sense – and too forgetful of its own departure from a perspective always presumed. Analytic philosophy bears a tendency towards such a ‘view from nowhere’ which denies a fundamental subjective connection. The rebuttal of this position entails (...)
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  29. The Meaning-Sharing Network.John Haglund & Johan Blomberg - 2010 - Hortues Semioticus 6:17-30.
    We advocate an analysis of meaning that departs from the pragmatic slogan that “meaning is use”. However, in order to avoid common missteps, this claim is in dire need of qualification. We argue that linguistic meaning does not originate from language use as such; therefore we cannot base a theory of meaning only on use. It is important not to neglect the fact that language is ultimately reliant on non-linguistic factors. This might seem to oppose the aforementioned slogan, but it (...)
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  30.  76
    Plural reference.J. R. Cameron - 1999 - Ratio 12 (2):128–147.
    A plural referring expression (‘the Fs’ or ‘Tom, Dick and Harriet’) may be used to refer either distributively, saying something which applies to each of the Fs individually, or collectively, to the Fs taken as a single totality. Predicate Logic has to analyse both uses in terms of singular reference, treating them quite differently in so doing; but we think of such an expression as functioning in basically the same way in both kinds of use. This understanding can be (...)
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  31.  31
    Effect of intertrial reinforcement on the aftereffect of nonreinforcement and resistance to extinction.E. J. Capaldi, Dick Hart & Larry R. Stanley - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):70.
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  32.  41
    (1 other version)Ethics in school : from moral development to children's conceptions of justice.Backman Ylva, Haglund Liza, Persson Anders & Viktor Gardelli - manuscript
    A main issue in Swedish school debate is the question of how to teach the student a common value system based on democracy and western humanism. The debate is rather intense, to say the least. Not only is the premise that there exists one value system that we share a target for critique, but there is also the question of what value education is or could be. There is, as well, quite a body of research on children's moral development, where (...)
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  33.  59
    History of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume II: 1920-1980. R. J. Tayler.Steven Dick - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):796-797.
  34.  23
    The Tucson Meteorites: Their History from Frontier Arizona to the Smithsonian. Richard R. Willey.Steven Dick - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):496-497.
  35.  43
    The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the Earth.Henry Dicks - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Modernity is founded on the belief that the world we build is a human invention, not a part of nature. The ecological consequences of this idea have been catastrophic. We have laid waste to natural ecosystems, replacing them with fundamentally unsustainable human designs. With time running out to address the environmental crises we have caused, our best path forward is to turn to nature for guidance. In this book, Henry Dicks explores the philosophical significance of a revolutionary approach to sustainable (...)
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  36. The Philosophy of Biomimicry.Henry Dicks - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):223-243.
    The philosophy of biomimicry, I argue, consists of four main areas of inquiry. The first, which has already been explored by Freya Mathews, concerns the “deep” question of what Nature ultimately is. The second, third, and fourth areas correspond to the three basic principles of biomimicry as laid out by Janine Benyus. “Nature as model” is the poetic principle of biomimicry, for it tells us how it is that things are to be “brought forth”. “Nature as measure” is the ethical (...)
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  37. Weighted sufficientarianisms: Carl Knight on the excessiveness objection.Dick Timmer - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):494-506.
    Carl Knight argues that lexical sufficientarianism, which holds that sufficientarian concerns should have lexical priority over other distributive goals, is ‘excessive’ in many distinct ways and that sufficientarians should either defend weighted sufficientarianism or become prioritarians. In this article, I distinguish three types of weighted sufficientarianism and propose a weighted sufficientarian view that meets the excessiveness objection and is preferable to both Knight’s proposal and prioritarianism. More specifically, I defend a multi-threshold view which gives weighted priority to benefits directly above (...)
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  38. Thresholds in Distributive Justice.Dick Timmer - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):422-441.
    Despite the prominence of thresholds in theories of distributive justice, there is no general account of what sort of role is played by the idea of a threshold within such theories. This has allowed an ongoing lack of clarity and misunderstanding around views that employ thresholds. In this article, I develop an account of the concept of thresholds in distributive justice. I argue that this concept contains three elements, which threshold views deploy when ranking possible distributions. These elements are (i) (...)
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  39.  63
    Environmental Ethics and Biomimetic Ethics: Nature as Object of Ethics and Nature as Source of Ethics.Henry Dicks - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):255-274.
    While the contemporary biomimicry movement is associated primarily with the idea of taking Nature as model for technological innovation, it also contains a normative or ethical principle—Nature as measure—that may be treated in relative isolation from the better known principle of Nature as model. Drawing on discussions of the principle of Nature as measure put forward by Benyus and Jackson, while at the same time situating these discussions in relation to contemporary debates in the philosophy of biomimicry : 364–387, 2011; (...)
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  40. Justice, Thresholds, and the Three Claims of Sufficientarianism.Dick Timmer - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (3):298-323.
    In this article, I propose a novel characterization of sufficientarianism. I argue that sufficientarianism combines three claims: a priority claim that we have non-instrumental reasons to prioritize benefits in certain ranges over benefits in other ranges; a continuum claim that at least two of those ranges are on one continuum; and a deficiency claim that the lower a range on a continuum, the more priority benefits in that range have. This characterization of sufficientarianism sheds new light on two long-standing philosophical (...)
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  41.  79
    Ethics rounds.Marit Silén, Mia Ramklint, Mats G. Hansson & Kristina Haglund - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):203-213.
    Background: Ethics rounds are one way to support healthcare personnel in handling ethically difficult situations. A previous study in the present project showed that ethics rounds did not result in significant changes in perceptions of how ethical issues were handled, that is, in the ethical climate. However, there was anecdotal evidence that the ethics rounds were viewed as a positive experience and that they stimulated ethical reflection. Aim: The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of how (...)
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  42.  32
    Rosser orderings and free variables.Dick Jongh & Franco Montagna - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):71 - 80.
    It is shown that for arithmetical interpretations that may include free variables it is not the Guaspari-Solovay system R that is arithmetically complete, but their system R –. This result is then applied to obtain the nonvalidity of some rules under arithmetical interpretations including free variables, and to show that some principles concerning Rosser orderings with free variables cannot be decided, even if one restricts oneself to usual proof predicates.
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  43.  25
    Fast laboratory test results alone cannot deliver the benefits of near patient testing: a follow‐up study after 3 years of extended laboratory service at a primary health care centre.Sofie Haglund, Bente Transö, Lars-Göran Persson, Tamara Zafirova & Ewa Grodzinsky - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):227-233.
  44.  25
    The march of unreason: science, democracy, and the new fundamentalism.Dick Taverne - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In The March of Unreason, Dick Taverne expresses his concern that irrationality is on the rise in Western society, and argues that public opinion is increasingly dominated by unreflecting prejudice and an unwillingness to engage with factual evidence. Discussing topics such as genetically modified crops and foods, organic farming, the MMR vaccine, environmentalism, the precautionary principle, and the new anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements, he argues that the rejection of the evidence-based approach nurtures a culture of suspicion, distrust, and cynicism, (...)
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  45. Do psi phenomena suggest radical dualism?Dick Bierman - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  46.  50
    On Painting.Leon Battista Alberti, John R. Spencer, Creighton Gilbert, E. W. Dickes & Brian Battershaw - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):148-148.
  47.  6
    Foreword.Dick Howard - 2017 - In Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, Stefanos Geroulanos & Nicole Jerr, The Scaffolding of Sovereignty: Global and Aesthetic Perspectives on the History of a Concept. New York: Columbia University Press.
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  48.  64
    Effects of an Employee Volunteering Program on the Work Force: The ABN-AMRO Case.Dick Gilder, Theo N. M. Schuyt & Melissa Breedijk - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):143-152.
    One of the new ways used by companies to demonstrate their social responsibility is to encourage employee volunteering, whereby employees engage in socially beneficial activities on company time, while being paid by the company. The reasoning is that it is good for employee motivation (internal effects) and good for the company reputation (external effects). This article reports an empirical investigation of the internal effects of employee volunteering conducted amongst employees of the Dutch ABN-AMRO bank. The study showed that (a) socio-demographic (...)
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  49. Impure Semiotic Objections to Markets.David G. Dick - 2018 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (3):227-246.
    Semiotic objections to markets urge us not to place a good on the market because of the message that doing so would send. Brennan and Jaworski reject them on the grounds that either the contingent semiotics of a market can be changed or the weakness of semiotic reasons allows them to be ignored. The scope of their argument neglects the impure semiotic objections that claim that the message a market sends causes, constitutes, or involves a nonsemiotic wrong. These are the (...)
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  50.  26
    The Specter of Democracy: What Marx and Marxists Haven't Understood and Why.Dick Howard - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    In this rethinking of Marxism and its blind spots, Dick Howard argues that the collapse of European communism in 1989 should not be identified with a victory for capitalism and makes possible a wholesale reevaluation of democratic politics in the U.S. and abroad. The author turns to the American and French Revolutions to uncover what was truly "revolutionary" about those events, arguing that two distinct styles of democratic life emerged, the implications of which were misinterpreted in light of the (...)
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